On May 29, 2014 at approximately 1530, the St. Anna Volunteer
fire department responded to Sheboygan Road and Meyer Road for report of feed
on fire. The initial report was called
in by an off-duty firefighter. Initial reports showed that the fire began in the
bunker where the material was being stored. It is believed that the nearby burn
barrel was the cause of the fire. Other factors in the fire were dry conditions
and wind. Upon arrival to the scene, firefighters pulled to fire hoses from Engine
14 and began attack on the pile of feed. The deluge on top of engine 14 was
also utilized to extinguish the fire. Eventually all the feed was moved onto
trailers and removed from the immediate area. The burn barrel was also moved
from the area to prevent any further fire. Apparatus that accompanied engine 14
on the scene were tender 16, tender 17, squad 15, and truck 13. Engine 11 was
set up at the St. Anna fire department pond for a fill site. Crews were on the
scene of the fire for approximately 1 ½ hours. Other than the feed, no property
or lives were harmed during the fire. No additional resources were needed from
outside agencies.
Posted by St. Anna Fire Department. Posted In : Fire Calls